Why I chose MovableType or again about freedom

Why I chose MovableType or again about freedom

Well, the reason that my site is a kind of blog at the moment is that more than a year I read other blogs, thinking if I really want to build a blog for myself. Next step was to find my kind of blog software… Finally I chose MovableType… Why? I am a fan of free and open source software…

Before a month ago Zak Greant in Salle’s car told me that he wants to support a small projects like MovableType even it isn’t open source… OK, but this wasn’t the right argument for me… There are a lot of useless small projects… OK – MovableType is great… but this is not enough again…

I found MovableType before an year. I tested it and I liked it, but the moment is different now… I needed that year to decide for myself what I preffer – free software (free as freedom, not as free beer) or open source software… After many hours of thinking I chose open… because of openness, because of evolution… because of open-minding…

Freedom is nothing without a reason for freedom… without something that gives me a meaning for freedom… And that reason is the Evolution, creativity, making things good… That’s why I chose MovableType – because of promotion of Creative Commons Licenses. Because for me the most important than freedom is sharing… Sharing knowledge, emotions, experience and again freedom of course… Blogging is sharing also…

It is stupid to keep freedom with rules or prohibitions. Nobody can ban freedom. It cannot be a taboo to open your freedom the way you want it. If you can’t do that you are not free at all.

So I decided that most important feature of my definition for freedom is that I can redefine it… And to be sure that I can guarantee for my own evolution…